Gift giving on a budget

30 March, 2023

Today we’re taking a look at some ways to give gifts on a tight budget.

First of all, gifts don’t have to be expensive.

You could get crafty, or bake cookies or cakes for friends and family.

If you have kids, getting them involved in the gift-making process can be a great way to keep them entertained, and family and friends will appreciate the end result.

Similarly, handmade cards are a lovely alternative to buying new.

If you’re artistically inclined you could draw or paint your own designs, or you could cut up old cards to create new ones.

Again, you could get the whole family involved; children’s handmade cards are adorable and will always go down well!

If you don’t have the time to get creative, could you think about reducing the list of people you send physical gifts and cards to?

There are free e-card sites, or you could send just as heartwarming a message through email, a private message, or even a video of you sharing your festive greetings!

Often, showing you care is more important than spending lots of money, and the recipient will appreciate the thought that went into your message.

However, sometimes you might need or want to shell out for a gift, and that’s okay. You just need to make sure you’ve planned for it and your finances can cope.

Factoring festive spending for holidays like Christmas, Chanukah, or Eid into your budget throughout the year can help take the stress off.

If this isn’t an option, or you find you haven’t saved enough, then our loans are another low-risk option. Many of our members take out loans to cover costs at expensive times of year.

You can find out more about the loans we offer here and apply for a loan here.


